Get Started

First Step

Getting Started VOXELCANVAS

Access to URL:

check and hide cookie policys.

Create model as anonymous

Click the GET STARTED button at center.

After, show the Editor page.


Create model as own

Click the Sign up button at top-right.

Create Account

Sign up page:

Enter Email and check the agreement.

After, Sign up Button clicked, you can show message in browser.

Check email

You can show email from This is backend system of VOXELCANVAS.

Access URL and input password

Please try to remember password !

First login

If you input password and click "Sign up" button, you can back to login page in VOXELCANVAS.

First Settings

You can show first page if you success first login.

Please Input you username and Voxel icon.

Username is cant change after !

Account Create Success !

If you success to create account , you back to toppage. You can show your voxel icon at right-top.

Click the GET STARTED button at center.

After, show the Editor page.


Last updated